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Parkour facilities

ready to move

ready to move® designed by TraceSpace is a real "game changer" in the world of parkour parks and exercise areas. Thanks to the modular design and the use of prefabricated components, we can make turnkey parkour facilities a reality in the shortest possible construction time.

Aesthetic and functional design -
planned by German parkour pioneers

Ideally matched obstacles | devices | components

Multi-perspective parkour facilities,
attractive for parkour, calisthenics,
fitness, games & fun

Concrete & steel surfaces specifically developed for parkour with outstanding quality

Individual design options according to customer requirements

Trial lesson for teenagers & adults Parkour training ParkourONE

Why should you choose a parkour park?

Parkour parks from ready to move® offer added value through their high attractiveness and challenging character, their versatility for moving use, the promotion of social interaction and community building, their appealing design, the inclusion of different age and fitness groups and their positive impact on public spaces.

Is parkour still a trend sport?

Parkour parks from ready to move® are the ideal exercise area for young and young-at-heart parkour enthusiasts. Parkour as an art of movement is making great strides on its way from a trend sport to a popular sport and, thanks to its high level of challenge and low entry hurdles, attracts all age groups, but especially kids and young people. ready to move® designs authentic and user-oriented movement spaces that have been specially developed for parkour and offer the ideal training space for basic techniques and classic training methods of parkour culture.

What are parkour parks good for?

Parkour parks from ready to move® are specially designed environments that are designed to promote physical activity. They offer a variety of obstacles and elements that allow users to develop and improve their skills in the areas of strength, agility, balance, coordination and spatial awareness. Compared to pure calisthenics and fitness parks, for example, which focus mainly on strength and conditioning training, parkour parks from ready to move® offer a more comprehensive physical challenge that addresses all aspects of movement and health.

Are parkour facilities inclusive?

Parkour parks from ready to move® are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels, from beginners to experienced athletes. This promotes inclusion and enables a wider range of people to use the facilities. Parkour parks from ready to move® are designed to offer different levels of difficulty and challenges suitable for a wide range of users.

Movement and encounters - do they go together?

Parkour parks from ready to move® not only promote individual fitness, but also social interaction and community building. They offer a meeting place for like-minded people to come together, exchange ideas and learn from each other. On the one hand, this is due to the many different ways in which ready to move® designs, but also because of the general social and group dynamic component inherent in parkour training. This social aspect can be less pronounced in pure calisthenics and fitness parks, as the training there is often more individual and less interactive.

Are parkour parks aesthetic or just functional?

The design of ready to move® parkour parks can also offer aesthetic and urban development benefits. We make sure that our parkour facilities and exercise spaces are not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. This helps to enhance public spaces and make them attractive places for the whole community.

Promoting exercise in public spaces

Parkour parks from ready to move® are an enrichment for public parks, city centers and other training facilities. They provide opportunities for parkour enthusiasts as well as people interested in functional training, calisthenics, crossfit or other forms of exercise. This helps to promote exercise and health in public spaces.

Park XS - 80 sqm

Further information

ready to move® Parkourpark XS

The ready to move Park XS is the ideal parkour facility when space is at a premium. On just 80 square meters, we are able to reproduce the most important basic movements of parkour. In addition, individual elements can also be used for other deadweight sports such as calisthenics and crossfit. The RTM XS also serves as a playground for creative movement.

The following elements are used:

Parkour kickwall
Parkour passementwall medium cutout

Parkour Popwall inclined
Parkour kickerbloc small
Parkour kickerbloc medium

Parkourrail small
Parkourrail slide inclined
Parkourrail wallscaff extended
Parkour bowbar small
Parkour bowbar medium

Parkourpost wood small
Parkourpost wood medium
Parkourpost wood large

Medium boulder

An individual arrangement of the individual parts is possible. Also an extension from our extensive ready to move range.

Park S - 150 sqm


Further information

ready to move® Parkourpark S

The ready to move Park S is an optimal parkour facility that offers many possibilities for movement on 150 square meters. The parkour park is the ideal basis for parkour runs and possible combinations of basic movements. Fans of other deadweight sports such as calisthenics and crossfit will also find numerous starting points here. The RTM S also serves as a playground for creative movement.

The following elements are used:

Parkour trapezoid-wall large
Parkour kickwall inclined slim
Parkour kickwall
Parkour passementwall large cutout
Parkour passementwall small
Parkour precisionbloc medium

Parkourbar left-tilted flange medium
Parkour balancebar curved
Parkourrail small
Parkourrail slide
Parkour edgescaff S
Parkour trapezoidscaff
Parkour wallscaff

Parkourpost wood small
Parkourpost wood medium

Foundling small
Foundling medium
Foundling large

An individual arrangement of the individual parts is possible. Also an extension from our extensive ready to move range.

Park M - 300 sqm


Further information

ready to move® Parkourpark M

At 300 square meters, the ready to move Park M is a fully comprehensive parkour facility. The parkour park contains obstacles for all parkour movements and the combination possibilities of the obstacles leave nothing to be desired. The RTM M Park offers numerous people the opportunity to train on the area at the same time and also to try out more extensive runs. Fans of other deadweight sports such as calisthenics and crossfit will also find numerous points of contact and plenty of space here. The RTM M also serves as a playground for creative movement, combining different levels of difficulty thanks to its flowing zoning.

The following elements are used:

Parkour trapezoid-wall large
Parkour crosswall gripcut large
Parkour crosswall inclined
Parkour kickwall
Parkour passementwall large cutout
Parkour passementwall small inclined
Parkour passementwall small
Parkour precisionbloc inclined
Parkour precisionbloc medium

Parkourbar right-tilted flange medium
Parkour bowbar small
Parkour bowbar medium
Parkour balancebar curved
Parkourrail small
Parkourrail slide
Parkourrail large
Parkour swingbar inclined
Parkour trapezoidscaff
Parkour scaff medium

Parkourpost wood small
Parkourpost wood medium
Parkourpost wood large

Foundling small
Foundling medium
Foundling large

An individual arrangement of the individual parts is possible. Also an extension from our extensive ready to move range.

Park L - 450 sqm

Further information

ready to move® Parkourpark L

The ready to move® Park L offers everything the parkour heart desires on 450 square meters. The parkour facility includes obstacles for all parkour movements. In particular, the equal use of robinia, concrete and steel elements and their connection to each other enables creative and versatile use. The RTM L Park offers numerous people the opportunity to train on the surface at the same time and also to try out more extensive runs. Fans of other deadweight sports such as calisthenics and crossfit will also find numerous points of contact here. The RTM L also serves as a playground for creative movement, combining different levels of difficulty thanks to its flowing zoning.

The following elements are used:

Parkour trapezoid-wall large
Parkour trapezoid-wall medium
Parkour crosswall gripcut large
Parkour crosswall inclined
Parkour kickwall inclined wide
Parkour passementwall large cutout
Parkour passementwall medium cutout
Parkour passementwall small inclined
Parkour passementwall small
Parkour precisionbloc inclined
Parkour precisionbloc large
Parkour precisionbloc medium

Parkourbar small
Parkourbar medium
Parkourbar large
Parkourbar right-tilted flange medium
Parkour bowbar small
Parkour bowbar medium
Parkour balancebar curved
Parkour balancebar large
Parkourrail small
Balancerail wood
Parkourrail slide
Parkourrail large
Parkour Swingbar inclined
Parkour edgescaff inclined
Underbarscaff right tilted flange
Parkour trapezoidscaff
Parkour scaff medium

Parkourpost wood small
Parkourpost wood medium
Parkourpost wood large
Parkour Precision-Woodscaff
Parkour Swing-Woodscaff

Medium boulder
Large boulder

An individual arrangement of the individual parts is possible. Also an extension from our extensive ready to move range.

Park XL - 600 sqm

Further information

ready to move® Parkourpark XL

At 600 square meters, the ready to move Park XL is a world of parkour in its own right. The sheer size is not an end in itself, but enables a comprehensive composition according to the "form follows function" principle, which combines training areas for parkour techniques and different levels of difficulty through a flowing zoning. The parkour facility offers obstacles for all parkour movements. In particular, the equal use of robinia, concrete and steel elements and their connection to each other enables creative and versatile use. The RTM XL Park offers numerous people the opportunity to train on the surface at the same time and also to try out more extensive runs. Fans of other deadweight sports such as calisthenics and crossfit will also find plenty of space and suitable exercise options here. In addition, the RTM XL serves as a playground for creative movement that promises and delivers pure adventure.

The following elements are used:

Parkour trapezoid-wall large
Parkour trapezoid-wall medium
Parkour crosswall gripcut large
Parkour crosswall inclined
Parkour kickwall inclined wide
Parkour passementwall crossed
Parkour passementwall small inclined
Parkour passementwall large cutout
Parkour passementwall medium cutout
Parkour passementwall small
Parkour precisionbloc inclined
Parkour precisionbloc large
Parkour precisionbloc medium
Parkour precisionbloc small

Parkourbar small
Parkourbar medium
Parkourbar large
Parkourbar right-tilted flange medium
Parkour bowbar small
Parkour bowbar medium
Parkour balancebar curved
Parkour balancebar small
Parkour balancebar large
Parkourrail small
Balancerail wood
Parkourrail slide
Parkourrail large
Parkour Swingbar inclined
Parkour edgescaff inclined
Underbarscaff right tilted flange
Parkour trapezoidscaff
Parkourscaff large

Parkourpost wood small
Parkourpost wood medium
Parkourpost wood large
Parkour Precision-Woodscaff
Parkour Swing-Woodscaff

Foundling small
Foundling medium
Foundling large

An individual arrangement of the individual parts is possible. Also an extension from our extensive ready to move range.

ready to move Custom®

Further information

Customized design? No problem.

If you need a customized design for your parkour facility, we will be happy to help you find a bespoke solution tailored to your needs, budget and space requirements.

We will be happy to advise you and select the right ready to move® components for you or completely redesign the obstacles in your parkour facility.

Please note that specialist planning is required.

Balancerail wood Low bar for balancing and challenging landings
Parkour balancebar curved Low, curved object for balancing and challenging landings
Parkour balancebar large Low, large, straight object for balancing and jumping / landing
Parkour balancebar small Low, small, straight object for balancing and jumping / landing
Parkour bowbar medium Low, stand-alone object for balancing and jumping / landing
Parkour bowbar small Low (small) stand-alone object for balancing and jumping / landing
Parkour crosswall gripcut large Wall with boulder edge and platform for overcoming, landing, climbing and jumping
Parkour crosswall inclined Sloping wall (small) with plate shape for overcoming, landing and jumping
Parkour crosswall large Sloping wall (large) with plate shape for overcoming, landing and jumping
Parkour edgescaff inclined Inclined bar for hanging, swinging and balancing at height
Parkour edgescaff s Inclined bar for hanging, swinging and balancing at height
Parkour kickerbloc medium Medium-sized kicker for jumping off and landing
Parkour kickerbloc small Small kicker for jumping off and landing
Parkour kickwall inclined slim Narrow sloping wall for overcoming, landing and jumping
Parkour kickwall inclined wide Wide sloping wall for overcoming, landing and jumping
Parkour kickwall Vertical wall for overcoming, landing and jumping
Parkour passementwall crossed Straight small wall with angled approach for starting, landing and jumping off
Parkour passementwall large cutout Large waist-high wall to climb over and land on
Parkour passementwall medium cutout Medium-sized waist-high wall to climb over and land on
Parkour passementwall small inclined Narrow sloping waist-high wall to climb over and land on
Parkour passementwall small Narrow waist-high wall to climb over and land on
Parkour Popwall inclined Sloping waist-high wall to climb over and land on
Parkour Precision Woodscaff Wooden scaffolding made of robinia for climbing, playing, balancing and jumping between the beams
Parkour precisionbloc inclined Small, low, sloping concrete block for jumping off and landing
Parkour precisionbloc large Wide, low concrete block for jumping off and landing
Parkour precisionbloc medium Medium-wide low concrete block for jumping off and landing
Parkour precisionbloc small Small low concrete block for jumping off and landing
Parkour stones Boulders for difficult landings and jumps
Parkour Swing Woodscaff Wooden scaffolding made of robinia for climbing, playing and balancing as well as jumping between the beams and a bar for swinging
Parkour swingbar inclined Inclined bar for swinging
Parkour trapezoid-wall large Opposite concrete walls (large) with platform, window for various parkour and climbing movements
Parkour trapezoid-wall medium Facing concrete walls (medium) with platform
Parkour trapezoidscaff Various bars for hanging, pull-ups, swings, jumps and uneven bars. Connected with wall
Parkour wallscaff Various bars for hanging, pull-ups, swings, jumps. Connected with wall
Parkourbar Bar between 2 walls, beams.
Parkourpost wood s, m, l Small earth-covered robinia posts for landing and jumping off
Parkourrail large Large waist-high railing for balancing
Parkourrail slide inclined Sloping waist-high railing for overcoming and challenging balancing
Parkourrail slide Low, sloping waist-high railing for overcoming and challenging balancing
Parkourrail small Low bar for landing, overcoming and balancing
Parkourscaff large Large scaffolding for extensive parkour and calisthenics exercises
Parkourscaff medium Medium-sized frame for extensive parkour and calisthenics exercises
Underbarscaff right tilted flange Small ladder for strength exercises and parkour breakthroughs with angled flange
Underbarscaff Small ladder for strength exercises and parkour breakthroughs with a straight flange

Individualization options

EPDM or cork fall protection


Clinkering of the concrete walls



Boulder wall

Did we spark your interest? If you are interested in parkour facilities near you, contact one of our trustworthy partners. 

Europe / EU 


Parkour facilities - ready to move - parkour park parkour parkour facility movement landscape